Mark IV Part Numbers Anyone ?

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Mark IV Part Numbers Anyone ?

Post by pletsch »

Just curious if anyone out there has a catalog or part number reference for old Mark IV parts? Trying to identify the applications for some old parts.
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Re: Mark IV Part Numbers Anyone ?

Post by ice-n-tropics »

Unfortunately Auther (Butch) Smith, the photo memory parts coordinator, just passed on. Butch left John E. Mitchell Co., Inc. after 1974 , after me, to become Sanden VP. He always won at poker. Billy McGriff was the parts sales manager until the boss took his wife. Vince Heinz was export parts sales and may have records. Former Mark IV distributer in Harlington TX, Milton Jones or his sons, may help or buy your stock, thanks in advance for my commission.
Hotrodac, former Mark IV Monitor, Allegro, Escort, Mitchell (Sanden) Compressor tech guy.
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