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1969 C10 AC all original except new style AC compressor WILL IT WORK?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:54 pm
by chevyv6282
I am ready to charge an AC system from an original 1969 Chevy c/10
I have updated the engine to a current corvette engine. 2012 Corvette compressor
It has the compressor from the factory where it cycles on and off, The original compressor ran constant I think. I have installed a new condenser and a new dryer
I am going to use 134a and I have heard that you need to adjust the POA valve.
I have a trinary switch wired in the system but I am using all the other factor controls

Will this compressor work running constantly?
Should I adjust the POA valve?
Any tips would be helpful as I am unsure if this combination will work.

Thanks for listening hope some one has some input.

Re: 1969 C10 AC all original except new style AC compressor WILL IT WORK?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:38 am
by bohica2xo
The 2012 Corvette is equipped with a CVC compressor, a variable displacement unit. It does not cycle, it just reduces displacement to maintain a pre set low side pressure.

Are you keeping the 2012 Corvette PCM?

Since the compressor is designed to perform the same function as the POA, I can only guess at what running them in series will do. My inclination would be to remove the POA & store it carefully. Then install a POA eliminator that includes the small oil return line from the bottom of the evaporator like this:
acpoa1.jpg (115.56 KiB) Viewed 2435 times
Generally I hate those things, but with a variable displacement compressor they are the right call.

I have run variable displacement compressors with TXV valves & had great success.

That compressor SHOULD run all the time, so any pressure switches should be used for HPCO or fans.